spatial statistics



Statistica descrittiva univariata

Materiale utilizzato dataset completo che verrà utilizzato nelle prossime lezioni; dataset ridotto (30 osservazioni) utilizzato negli esempi in aula; tracciato record (in formato pdf o link alla pagina web) relativo ai dataset utilizzati; tabella pdf con il dataset ridotto;

Spatial point pattern

Slides Lab notes Data on firms Envelope of bivariate Ripley’s K

Reduced-bias estimation of spatial autoregressive models with incompletely geocoded data

This contribution aims at developing a strategy to reduce the bias and produce more reliable inference for spatial models with location errors. The proposed estimation strategy models both the spatial stochastic process and the coarsening mechanism by means of a marked point process.

Modelling and predicting the spatio-temporal spread of COVID-19 in Italy

An endemic-epidemic time-series mixed-effects generalized linear model for areal disease counts has been implemented to understand and predict spatio-temporal diffusion of the phenomenon.

Assessing the effect of containment measures on the spatio-temporal dynamic of COVID-19 in Italy

This paper aims at investigating empirically whether and to what extent the containment measures adopted in Italy had an impact in reducing the diffusion of the COVID-19 disease across provinces.

Fitting spatial regressions to large datasets using unilateral approximations

Approximating and fitting spatial models on rectangular lattices through unilateral approximation in order to significantly reduce the computational burden.

A frequency domain test for isotropy in spatial data models

Modelling and testing anisotropy in spatial models for areal data through a semiparametric approach based on Fourier series expansion.