Version 2.0.0

The new version of plot3logit includes several new features, such as functions for drawing confidence regions and an extended upstream compatibility to the package mlogit.

It follows the content of the NEWS file related to version 2.0.0, whereas at this page there is the full NEWS file.

Major changes

  • Added functions for computing the confidence regions of the covariate effects of categorical trilogit models and function for representing confidence regions both in standard an gg graphics.
  • Changed dependencies of the package both in section “Depends” (updated the version of ggtern) and in section “Imports” (added dplyr, forcats, grDevices, lifecycle, purrr, Rdpack, tibble, tidyr, tidyselect and removed reshape2).
  • Added the plot function for multifield3logit in standard graphics.
  • Updated the functions for reading the output of mlogit according to the upcoming new version of the package. The package plot3logit handles the output of both the current and the upcoming version of mlogit.
  • Completely redefined the output of methods and fortify for objects of class field3logit and multifield3logit.
  • Function plot3logit is now deprecated and not updated.
  • Partially redefined function stat_3logit and added function stat_field3logit which works like the previous version of stat_3logit.

Minor changes

  • Added methods coef and vcov for objects of class field3logit and multifield3logit.

Typos and other marginal changes

  • Added zero element (NULL) in the sum of field3logit and multifield3logit.
  • Added attribute ordinal to S3 class field3logit and updated the S3 method print.